Both forms on this page are the same except one is for testing the Flash Uploader and one
is for the HTML Uploader. The following features are being tested:
Disabled: The Uploaders are disabled unless the Group field is populated.
Submit: The Submit buttons actually submit to the uploaders, and they post the data.
Post Data: Post data is tested. The field data should be in the thumbnails.
Selected List: If passing the ID of a container, the Uploaders will populate it with
the selected files.
Deleting Files: You can now delete pending files.
Progress Built in: showProgress:true will change the button to a progress bar on upload.
Progress Attach: Passing progressWidgetId will tell the Uploader of a progress widget.
If the Progress widget is initially hidden, it will change to visible and then restored after
A11Y: The Flash button can be accessed with the TAB key. (The HTML cannot due to browser