a:9:{s:9:"#provides";s:9:"dojo.i18n";s:9:"#resource";s:7:"i18n.js";s:9:"dojo.i18n";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";s:7:"summary";s:78:"Utility classes to enable loading of resources for internationalization (i18n)";}s:25:"dojo.i18n.getLocalization";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:3:{s:11:"packageName";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";s:7:"summary";s:46:"package which is associated with this resource";}s:10:"bundleName";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";s:7:"summary";s:77:"the base filename of the resource bundle (without the ".js" suffix)";}s:6:"locale";a:3:{s:8:"optional";b:1;s:4:"type";s:6:"String";s:7:"summary";s:100:"the variant to load (optional). By default, the locale defined by the host environment: dojo.locale";}}s:6:"source";s:787:" locale = dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(locale); // look for nearest locale match var elements = locale.split('-'); var module = [packageName,"nls",bundleName].join('.'); var bundle = dojo._loadedModules[module]; if(bundle){ var localization; for(var i = elements.length; i > 0; i--){ var loc = elements.slice(0, i).join('_'); if(bundle[loc]){ localization = bundle[loc]; break; } } if(!localization){ localization = bundle.ROOT; } // make a singleton prototype so that the caller won't accidentally change the values globally if(localization){ var clazz = function(){}; clazz.prototype = localization; return new clazz(); // Object } } throw new Error("Bundle not found: " + bundleName + " in " + packageName+" , locale=" + locale);";s:7:"summary";s:118:"Returns an Object containing the localization for a given resource bundle in a package, matching the specified locale.";s:11:"description";s:638:"Returns a hash containing name/value pairs in its prototypesuch that values can be easily overridden. Throws an exception if the bundle is not found. Bundle must have already been loaded by `dojo.requireLocalization()` or by a build optimization step. NOTE: try not to call this method as part of an object property definition (`var foo = { bar: dojo.i18n.getLocalization() }`). In some loading situations, the bundle may not be available in time for the object definition. Instead, call this method inside a function that is run after all modules load or the page loads (like in `dojo.addOnLoad()`), or in a widget lifecycle method.";s:7:"returns";s:6:"Object";}s:25:"dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:6:"locale";a:2:{s:8:"optional";b:1;s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}}s:6:"source";s:129:" var result = locale ? locale.toLowerCase() : dojo.locale; if(result == "root"){ result = "ROOT"; } return result; // String";s:7:"summary";s:50:"Returns canonical form of locale, as used by Dojo.";s:11:"description";s:261:"All variants are case-insensitive and are separated by '-' as specified in [RFC 3066](http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3066.txt). If no locale is specified, the dojo.locale is returned. dojo.locale is defined by the user agent's locale unless overridden by djConfig.";s:7:"returns";s:6:"String";}s:30:"dojo.i18n._requireLocalization";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:6:{s:10:"moduleName";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}s:10:"bundleName";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}s:6:"locale";a:2:{s:8:"optional";b:1;s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}s:20:"availableFlatLocales";a:2:{s:8:"optional";b:1;s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}s:1:"m";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:0:"";}s:1:"b";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:0:"";}}s:6:"source";s:152:" req(m,b,locale, availableFlatLocales); if(locale){return;} for(var i=0; i 0; i--){ searchlist.push(elements.slice(0, i).join('-')); } searchlist.push(false); if(down){searchlist.reverse();} for(var j = searchlist.length - 1; j >= 0; j--){ var loc = searchlist[j] || "ROOT"; var stop = searchFunc(loc); if(stop){ break; } }";s:7:"summary";s:299:"A helper method to assist in searching for locale-based resources. Will iterate through the variants of a particular locale, either up or down, executing a callback function. For example, "en-us" and true will try "en-us" followed by "en" and finally "ROOT".";s:7:"private";b:1;}s:31:"dojo.i18n._preloadLocalizations";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:2:{s:12:"bundlePrefix";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}s:16:"localesGenerated";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:5:"Array";}}s:6:"source";s:450:" function preload(locale){ locale = dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(locale); dojo.i18n._searchLocalePath(locale, true, function(loc){ for(var i=0; i